Early Sight, l'ultima novità nel campo dell'oftalmologia che sta trasformando il modo in cui vediamo l'occhio.
Thanks to the innovative Advanced Ophthalmic Camera, which uses transscleral illumination of the retina combined with adaptive optics (AO-TFI), Early Sight marks a new era in imaging.
This pioneering technology allows ophthalmologists to visualize ocular structures at the cellular level, previously invisible with conventional methods.
È progettata per catturare immagini ad alta risoluzione di strutture critiche, già nei primi stadi delle malattie oculari, come l'epitelio pigmentato retinico.
The advantages offered by Early Sight include: an image resolution that exceeds 10 times that of standard instruments, ensuring unprecedented precision.
Patient-centric design, with fast acquisition times and intuitive manual control for an optimal experience.
Lateral and transpupillary infrared lighting, to ensure maximum comfort for patients.
Our technology not only allows us to observe the microscopic details of ocular tissues, essential for identifying early signs of degenerative diseases, but also makes vital retinal cells and structures visible, including the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the retinal nerves (rNFL), retinal blood vessels and photoreceptors (PR).
With Early Sight, ophthalmologists can now explore new horizons in understanding eye diseases and evaluating the effectiveness of treatments, making it an essential tool for doctors, researchers and biotechnology companies.
Per scoprire come Early Sight può rivoluzionare il futuro dell'oftalmologia e arricchire il tuo lavoro, contattaci.