Fi-VISION GL – Biotechnological Supplement


Innovative technology for neuroprotection and retinaprotection through electromagnetic induction.

Wearable electromagnetic inductor, stimulated by body heat.

It can be used alongside traditional therapies in degenerative diseases (Glaucoma, Maculopathy).

The electromagnetic signals, appropriately set, induce biological effects on specific targets (FI VISION GL specific for GLAUCOMA, FIVISION MAC specific for MACULOPATHY).

Thin disc 26mm in diameter, applied to the skin with a transparent adhesive plaster.

It induces a reduction of oxidative stress in vitro and promotes a positive reduction of functional parameters at the retinal level.

Applied to more than 500 patients in 3 years, with good satisfaction and compliance.


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Specific for patients affected by glaucoma, also nicknamed “the silent thief of sight”.



It is a degenerative disease of the optic nerve, responsible in the advanced stages of severe visual impairment that can lead to blindness.

Patients with a family history should undergo periodic check-ups and screening tests such as Visual Field, RE-PERG and OCT RFNL: if diagnosed late, glaucoma may become evident in the face of already advanced damage. In case of altered results, in addition to traditional therapy with hypotensive eye drops and neuroprotective supplements, it is recommended to use FI-VISION GL.



The device (DM) is presented as a thin disk of 26 mm in diameter. It is packaged together with the relative instructions for use and two Tegaderm Film 4.4×4.4cm patches, necessary for its application on the skin. The DM is composed of a support in Polyethylene terephthalate (Mylar) on which an amalgam is layered containing, as main elements, micronized aluminum and fluorescent nanocrystals of graphene called Quantum Dots. The device, in contact with the skin, by potential difference, sends the patient very weak electromagnetic signals capable of inducing biological effects, in particular: reduction of oxidative stress and stabilization of functional parameters at the level of the retina. The DM is registered as a Class I Medical Device, with CE certification according to regulation (EU) 2017/745.

Example of DM application on the wrist.

Please note! The choice of application point is at the discretion of the patient.



1. The DM is applied to the skin, so that the logo is visible and the satin side is in contact with the skin.

2. The DM is then fixed to the skin with the transparent Tegaderm Film adhesive, supplied in the package: the application points are chosen at the patient's discretion.

3. For best results, it is recommended to keep the DM applied for a period of 30 days.

4. During the period of use of DM, especially during the first week, it is recommended to maintain high levels of hydration.



1. DM causes no known side effects;

2. It can be used continuously according to individual needs.

3. It is advisable to monitor, at the end of the first month of application, the parameters of visual function (visual acuity, perimetry, electrofunctional tests).

4. It does not interact with other pharmacological treatments, but is used alongside them.

5. Since the intensity of the electromagnetic field transmitted by the DM is extremely low, it does not interfere with normal cardiac activity, nor with cardiac electrostimulators (pacemakers).

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